Friday, October 21, 2005
Summer is coming....I can smell it in the air and by all the bloody flies!

I went out and watered the garden this morning and they drove me mad.. Alec and Riley were running around squealing because they were following them. Alec is convinced they are buzzy bees coming to get him, mind you some of those blowies are the size of bees.

I'm rather grouchy today, it could be because I have to take Riley to speech therapy with us this afternoon, not looking forward to it, then there is the $300 I have to pay to various doctors and dentists in the next 3 days, some days I wonder what the worth of private health insurance is, all this comes on a week when they didn't put through Michaels HDA (higher duties allowance) they manage to stuff this up every 3 months when the paper work is resubmitted. Fingers crossed he gets that job and we don't have to worry about it again.

Too little time and too little money. Must go back through the day and see what gifts I have received, I was reading Ali Edwards blog yesterday, she is very right but today is one of those make it through by the skin of your teeth type of days. How dreary am I!