Sunday, September 23, 2007
random thoughts
  • at 4pm every day my ipod turns itself on
  • I let gamers violate my sanctuary.. it's very noisy now
  • I can only hear the clock on my desk ticking when I sit at the computer, not when I sit a foot away from it
  • I haven't cleaned my stove for 3 weeks
  • or my house
  • I have done washing, when I remember, otherwise Michael lets me know when he has done a load
  • my favourite sheets have a hole in them
  • there is a piano in my bedroom... for some reason
  • I want to know where MY weekend went
  • I am so glad this is the last week of term
  • I will have to clean my house next weekend, mum is coming over!
Blogger Sharon Manning said...
Just what do you do with the piano in the bedroom? - I bet it's noisy!
Yes very much looking forward to the school holidays and sleeping in and not having to drive every day.

Blogger "Grendel" said...
"Alli said...
but honey... it will be OUR room, a room where we can both sit and not bump chairs or knock things off shelves every time we move. This way we have a toy room for the boys, a spare room for your mum when she comes to stay, we wont have to get a nasty fold out lounge bed, we can keep the big comfy bed for her.. wouldn't that be so nice. Then we utilise so much more of the space we have..."

Blogger Alli said...
well I have changed my mind now haven't I, it is my room! no one told me it would become a gamers paradise!!! equip with sound effects, battle noises and shouts of triumph and defeat! not very conducive to creativity now is it! LOL