Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Off to the airport

Off to the airport, originally uploaded by Alli Paterson.

it was a bit sad, we took grandma to the airport yesterday so she could fly home. We had a lovely Christmas and it means so much to Alec and Riley to have her here.

It was just revolting at the airport though, while it was 38 outside I am sure it was 40+ inside and 98% humidity, add to that Penny and Michael had a 45 minute wait to check in the bags and get through security. I took the boys upstarts for some lunch and to watch the planes.

Blogger Jen said...
Yep, yesterday was so humid, I even went for a swim with my boys!!! I usually prefer the air conditioning BUT forced myself to get into my bathers !!!

The photos look great, dont kids just love planes, especially boys!!!