Monday, April 03, 2006
Give me a break!!!!!!!!!
OK.. this better be as sick as I get for the next year because this sucks! We had people over Saturday and at 2pm I said to michael I just don't think I can do this! so he sent me to bed until everyone arrived at 4pm, Sunday we dragged our bums around and tried to do house work but he was almost as grey as I was and then this morning I wake up with a migraine. Alec and Riley were angels, I told them that they had to wait for mummy to get up before they got out of bed, I didn't see them for 2 1/2 hours! unfortunately i still feel like crap.

I have a pretty full week again, occupational therapy assessment tomorrow for Alec, work Wednesday, speech Thursday, which is also Michael's 36th birthday and Friday night Becca our neighbour is going to baby sit while we go to dinner and a movie and Saturday night it is a scrapping sleepover at Jodi's!!

I'm off to break up a squabble and have a cup of tea, I have subsisted on 7 baby chocolate eggs and a bowl of peas and corn and a glass of kole beer (WA thing,you don't know what you are missing, mum used to send cans to QLD for me.. whole other story there)