I realise many will be saying.. or what? these are my first poppet type thing, I have the family poppets sitting on my desk, they are a tiny bit scary.
This is all part of a double canvas for Buzz and Bloom, I will let you know when it goes up, it will come with full instructions and techniques.
I'm mostly spending my day checking my assets each time I get up to make sure whatever it is I have glued isn't stuck to my bum! I'm enjoying these projects, makes me have to think and learn and try new things. And plan, I sketched this out several times before I was happy, then after I had made my poppets I had to send Michael out for bigger canvas', I don't do small well at all.
So anyway I am having fun, off to see what is best to do colour washes on canvas before I sketch my design on.
Check out your own assets now eh!!
this is really cute. I haven't given it a go yet but you might have just inspired me to have a bit of a play today.
Enjoy your week,
Lauren x