Tuesday, February 19, 2008
look where I went
I met Lis and baby Morganne this morning and we had a lovely 3 hour wander around Ikea and some nice lunch in the middle somewhere. The new Perth Ikea is huge, I felt a little overwhelmed by the time we made it to the check out. It was great to catch up with Lis, I haven't seen her since school went back, already the weeks are flying by!

No scrapping at all today, off tonight to mum and dad's for an early birthday dinner for Alec as they can't make to the party on Sunday.

Oh yeah I had to come back and add.. today out of the 2 or 3 thousand people that got on amazingly well at Ikea two totally rude women we encountered stood out.. I suppose it is one way to be remembered for being sour and rude, I still don't get it you know, how much does it hurt to be pleasant.
Blogger Lissy said...
yes a jolly good outing especially since I finally got some shelving!