Saturday, December 24, 2005
Open House
was fantastic.. we somehow ended up with more booze than we started with, as i type Michael is on his way home with an 8kg turkey that there is no room for, better invite some more people around for drinks today!

All the fixings for the trifle are done, Michael left at 7am to get the turkey... now at 9:44am, yes 9:44 people.. he still isn't home and the floor needs moping and I have to make candied chocolate dipped oranges still, this is for my dad, he falls under the man who has everything and if he wants it he gets it, I can't compete with or even come close to being able to get something from his wish list so I make things.

The boys have calmed down, they had so much fun last night with their little friends they were all just gorgeous, I'm trying still to get arty/professional looking chrissy photos but after about 90 photos the tree still has too much light at the top and i'm not going to ask for the lights to be re-done, we will just have to remember for next year.

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