Monday, March 12, 2007
making progress
2 loads of washing and another photo used. Nothing planned for the day, I need to clean, but then I ALWAYS need to clean
Blogger Lissy said...
There is always cleaning to do but it is SO boring!!

Great page - love the photo and you are really getting into 8.5 x 11 now aren't you!!!

Blogger Sharon Manning said...
Love the layout Alli and the ones in your last post too. I have two sheets of that Creative Imaginations paper and can't wait to use it, so you are giving me heaps of ideas. 11 days til our road trip begins! YAY.
Cleaning! Who needs it, it will always be there tomorrow.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I didn't know that thomas came with so many faces!

My son Elisha has some of the duplo thomas stuff, and the first series on dvd... he first fell in love with thomas via books though.

Lovely prize came in the mail last week! Thanks so much.

I notice you've hit 13000 now! Wow.