So I finished some layouts, started some I should have just left, went to the gym, took Riley out of daycare, had meetings about next years crop day fundraiser, had morning tea with Lis and Sharon and did some shopping.
Today is a pupil free day... yayyyyyyyyy I actually love those. I went to the gym and the boys went to the creche, love that the gym has a creche!
One more week until school holidays, I'm lining up play dates and outings already, I really want to go to the zoo.
So here are a few layouts, feeling a bit rusty, haven't quiet found my feet or my desktop, why I feel it is possible to effectively scrap while being surrounded by piles of 'stuff' is beyond me.
Off to see Pirates tomorrow, we won some tickets, boys are going to Ali's and I am then spending Sunday catching up on washing... again
Riley and Michael riding the tractor out at Lissy's, Riley so loved this, we had a great day, I'm hoping to get us all out there again over the school holidays.
I've done this before, but I so love this photo when I saw it I just wanted to do another one. I can't believe it was 3 1/2 years ago, just before we moved into the house, it was on one of our visits, we would also always take Alec to the park.
Something got lost here, it didn't quiet turn out how I wanted, mainly because once I started I put it aside for a week and when I came back to it I had forgotten what it was I had planned!
This was the highlight of my life! My baby getting an honour certificate. I took a chance and didn't tell him, I'm so glad it was such a surprise for him and I am glad I was there to see it, my only regret was I didn't have the camera and I had to use my mobile phone to take the photo! but at least i got it.